Classic Big Interview: Terry Gibson

Here’s another chance to hear my interview with Terry Gibson from season three.

I know Terry well from covering Spanish football over the years, and I find him to be one of the most engaging, funny and astute analysts of the game.

He recounts honestly what it felt like to depart Tottenham, the club he has always loved and who he felt had treated him shabbily. There’s great stuff about his only career hat-trick – for Coventry against the mighty Liverpool, and just how lax Ron Atkinson’s regime was at Manchester United. Alex Ferguson was the new broom and Terry and Fergie soon fell out. Terry withdrew his initial threat to quit football, telling the great manager: I’ll be back to score against you and to win a trophy. He made good on both promises, and the second one was fulfilled when Wimbledon lifted the 1988 FA Cup.

Take it away, Terry.


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