Charlie Adam: Silencing the Doubters

Hola! Charlie Adam’s late father was his greatest influence, instilling in him a will to succeed by demanding hard work and total commitment. The graft paid off, and this majestic midfielder graced several famous jerseys including those of Rangers, Liverpool and Scotland.

Charlie’s passing abilities made him hot property, and he is one of that rare breed who is able to visualise and articulate precisely how he executes his artistry. He could also hit a shot – boy can he shoot – and he describes some of his most famed strikes, including a free-kick in a Wembley play-off final victory for Blackpool which he considers fated because he had hit a carbon copy in training the day before.

Charlie also pays tribute to Liverpool legends Luis Suárez and Steven Gerrard, describes being man-marked by Phil Jones, and relates in detail how on earth he managed to score a goal for Stoke City at Chelsea from inside his own half.

Brilliant stuff from a brilliant guy.


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